**I have not been paid, nor am I affiliated with Rock Canyon Pharmacy**
I have been SO impressed with the local pharmacy here is Provo!! It's not everyday that you come in contact with a company that goes above and beyond to provide the best service possible.
After discovering some of the causes of our fertility problems, the doctor sent us to Rock Canyon to get my prescription. I was initially impressed with the service but nothing amazing.
After 1 month on this medication I started having an reaction and became very uncomfortable. I called my doctor and he assured me that it must be something the medication was compounded in.
I called the pharmacy and they were very quick to offer to compound a batch in a more natural medium. Nervous about the increased cost, I asked what they would charge. "Nothing" was their quick response. "We'll whip some up for you at the same price you're paying." The pharmacist made a note on my account and told me to be sure to give them 24 hours to prepare when I needed it.
I was IMPRESSED! When I needed my refill I forgot to call in until about 1 hour before they closed so I just asked for a refill on the standard version. I could tough it out for a while.
When I got to the pharmacy I asked what kind they had given me, just in case they saw the note on my account. The pharmacist felt so bad that he hadn't seen the note. I assured him that I was planning on the standard version because I called so last minute. He was very apologetic and begged me to let him make some for me.
I told him I would give these another chance but that I would call if I had any issues.
I was so pleased with how quickly he wanted to right the situation that wasn't even his fault! Rock Canyon Pharmacy has made me a lifetime member!
Oh, and did I mention that their prices were awesome? They ARE!
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