[Dear Husband]: I know I locked the keys in the car and I'm a complete airhead 90% of the time but I know you always love me and for that I'm grateful! [Dear BYE Week]: I LOVE YOU! Having Mike less stressed and not in as much pain is refreshing. [Dear Alabama Family]: Being with you was great but I miss you so much! [Dear Next Week]: Please let me pass my tests without dying! [Dear Ward Friends]: Thanks for being so great, you are going to make this weekend so much fun! [Dear Rodan + Fields]: I love that you are always there for me even when I don't have time to work you like I should. Those paychecks are appreciated! [Dear Puppy in Footies]: This pic made me smile today so THANK YOU!
Is that not the cutest thing ever???
Have a good Friday and remember, make the most of this weekend because Monday is coming soon!

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