07 December 2012

Sponsored Post - SimplyInspired

Even though we've been living in this apartment since April I'm still nesting this place and while looking for something amazing for my walls I came across some Etsy goodness!

When spending all of my waking time browsing Etsy, I came upon this gem from simplyinspired. I love their super cute prints in tons of different styles.

simple and chic wedding gift and a super cute baby gift... 
love these ideas!

I decided to go with this one: 
but of course with Idaho, Texas and Utah. 

Working with simplyinspired has been such a great experiences. I wanted very specific colors and a very particular set and she worked with me so well. She's awesome and as I thought more about this I realized this would be an awesome Christmas gift! Personalized and perfect for everyone!

Go check her out and let me know what you get! 

1 comment:

I love hearing from anyone who comes to visit!