29 May 2012

Healthy Challenge - Day #18 -- "Me Time"

Today is a very fun one!

Find something that would make you feel good about yourself and DO IT!

Take time to sit outside and read a good book.

Get a pedicure! This one is my FAVE!

Get your hair styled - local beauty schools have good rates and you can let them do a shampoo and style without worry of disaster. Just hold off on giving the newbies a pair of scissors.

What are your favorite ways to relax and have some 'me' time?

To find out more about the Healthy Challenge and to join click here!

1 comment:

  1. My regular "me" time is while walking/jogging in the morning. But today I decided that since I've been so good lately that for just me I wanted some peanut butter squares! So I made some. I also shared so I wouldn't eat them all. But it was just for me! And it made me happy!


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