Let me tell you a little bit about the Ipson Family.
I work with Tim at BYU. He has a beautiful wife and two sweet little boys, who I am so lucky to know! While working last year we were all so excited to hear that they were going to have their second baby.
During the pregnancy they found that their baby was having some major heart complications. They talked to tons of doctors, learned everything they could, and got ready to have this new baby boy.
Joshua was born on December 1st.
The amazing doctors took such good care of little Joshua and his mother. He had so many tests, a life flight caravan, doctors who made sacrifices to be there, and the most loving family.
Joshua went back and forth between the hospital and home a few times. I know his family rejoiced when they got the chance to bring their sweet baby home, even for a short time.
When Joshua was 75 days old he left this mortal world to continue his mission with Heavenly Father.
I love the way they talk about Joshua's journey. I have never been to a more beautiful service than Joshua's. They spoke of his life and his strength. They also spoke of how his journey will continue and how blessed they feel to know that they will have the opportunity to raise their son later. They know that, through the Plan of Salvation, families are eternal. Although I never met little Joshua, I see his light in his family and I feel his spirit when they talk about him. I have been strengthened through Joshua's memory and every time I read something about him I feel the Spirit so strong. We all love you Joshua!
Please visit www.abrokenheartandcontritespirit.blogspot.com to learn more about Joshua and his family.

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